Why You Need a Happy Liver and Gut for Balanced Hormones

Did you know that your liver and gut health are CRUCIAL for balanced hormones? The liver and the gut are unsung heroes in the symphony of hormonal balance. Think of them as the conductors orchestrating the intricate dance of hormones crucial for fertility and period health.

🍋Why Liver Health Matters:

➡️ Detox: The liver plays a pivotal role in detoxifying the body, ensuring that excess hormones are processed and eliminated. It metabolizes hormones like estrogen, converting them into safer forms, preventing hormonal imbalances.

➡️ Blood sugar: A healthy liver helps regulate blood sugar levels, contributing to stable energy and insulin levels.

➡️ Inflammation: A healthy liver helps control inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can disrupt hormonal balance and contribute to conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis.

➡️ Thyroid: The liver is involved in converting inactive thyroid hormones into their active forms. Thyroid hormones are essential for overall metabolism and can influence menstrual regularity.

🌿 The Gut's Role in Hormonal Harmony:

➡️ Inflammation: Gut dysbiosis or infections like SIBO can create low grade inflammation which can wreak havoc on your hormones. A well-maintained gut microbiome, comprising a diverse community of microorganisms, significantly influences the production, metabolism, and balance of hormones.

➡️ Low stomach acid can contribute to imbalances in the gut microbiome, poor absorption of minerals, and impaired insulin sensitivity (poor blood sugar balance).

➡️ Nutrients: The gut is instrumental in nutrient absorption, ensuring that essential vitamins and minerals vital for hormone production are effectively assimilated.

✨Some of my biggest tips for a healthy gut and liver include:✨

🌱 Regulate your nervous system and balance your HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis with mindfulness, yoga, meditation, breath work, adaptogens, regular movement, and getting enough sleep.

🌱 Reducing inflammatory foods. Be mindful of refined sugar, alcohol, and processed foods. Include plenty of healthy fats (like avocado, nuts and seeds), fiber (whole grains, veggies), and probiotic rich foods (yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut).

🌱 Stay hydrated and be mindful of alcohol consumption. Alcohol disrupts liver function as well as creates some gut dysbiosis. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps the liver flush out toxins and supports overall detoxification processes.

🌱 Exercise regularly. Exercise supports liver function by aiding in the metabolism of nutrients and the elimination of waste products. Exercise has been linked to an increase in the diversity of gut microbes and higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies.

🌱 Consider herbs and supplements like milk thistle or dandelion for the liver, curcumin for inflammation, probiotics and prebiotics for gut health, or magnesium and b vitamins for hormone methylation in the liver.

Gut and liver health is SO important for hormone balance and period health that they have their own units in my online course Period University™. If you’d like to find out more about how you can optimize your gut and liver health for balanced hormones and easy periods, join the community of graduates!

Peace & Periods,


Want to learn more about strategies you can use to support your menstrual cycle and fertility?

📘Access my FREE e-book: How to Start Balancing your Hormones: Fix Your Period Without Overwhelm.

📕 Learn about syncing your diet, lifestyle, exercise, and schedule to the hormonal fluctuations of each phase of your menstrual cycle in my Cycle Syncing e-book!

⁣📗My Eating for Hormone Balance e-book breaks down everything you need to know about diet and your hormones. Learn about the basic macros, how to support gut health, what to do about inflammation, and more!

⁣📞 Book a free 15 minute discovery call to see if we're a good fit to work together.

⁣👩🏻‍💻 Book a 60-90 min initial consultation where we work 1:1 to dig deep into your health history to figure out the root causes of your period problems. From there I provide you with an individualized treatment plan and consistent support along the way.

⁣🏫 Period University⁣™ is the ultimate self-paced online course that teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know about your period and hormones.


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